查尔姆斯理工大学1829年由瑞典东印度公司董事之一的威廉·查尔姆斯(William Chalmers)以建立一所工业学校(industrial school)为目的捐款设立,学校因此以他的名字命名。查尔姆斯理工大学与卡罗林斯卡医学院和林奈大学是瑞典仅有的三所以个人姓名命名的大学。学校在1937年从私立大学变为国立大学,而后在1994年被基金会收购,又转而成为私立大学,但每年2/3的经费来自瑞典政府。
Automation and mechatronics
Biotechnology and Chemical engineering
Civil engineering
Computer engineering
Electrical engineering
Engineering for sustainable development
Engineering Physics, Mathematics
Industrial engineering and management
Information engineering
Mechanical and Industrial design engineering
Maritime management
Technology and learning
Nils Gustaf Dalén,诺贝尔物理学奖获奖者
Gert Wingårdh,著名建筑设计师
Lars Pensjǒ,LPC 编程语言之父
Hå kan Buskhe,萨博集团(Saab Group,军工)总裁兼CEO
Hans Straberg,伊莱克斯(Electrolux)总裁兼CEO
2022年QS世界大学排名 世界第121
2021年THE泰晤士学科排名 工程领域世界第68,瑞典第1
Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, MSc
Architecture and urban design, MSc
Systems, control and mechatronics, MSc
Biotechnology, MSc
Innovative and Sustainable Chemical Engineering, MSc
Materials chemistry, MSc
Design and construction project management, MSc
Infrastructure and environmental engineering, MSc
Sound and vibration, MSc
Structural engineering and building technology, MSc
Computer science – algorithms, languages and logic, MSc
Computer systems and networks, MSc
High-performance computer systems, MSc
Biomedical engineering, MSc
Communication engineering, MSc
Embedded electronic system design, MSc
Sustainable electric power engineering and electromobility, MSc
Wireless, photonics and space engineering, MSc
Industrial ecology, MSc
Sustainable energy systems, MSc
Complex adaptive systems, MSc
Engineering mathematics and computational science, MSc
Nanotechnology, MSc
Physics, MSc
Entrepreneurship and business design, MSc
Management and economics of innovation, MSc
Quality and operations management, MSc
Supply chain management, MSc
Data science and AI, MSc
Interaction design and technologies, MSc
Software engineering and technology, MSc
Applied mechanics, MSc
Industrial design engineering, MSc
Materials engineering, MSc
Mobility engineering, MSc
Product development, Msc
Production engineering, MSc
Maritime management, MSc
Learning and Leadership, MSc